Friday, February 21, 2014

Julius "Edward"...Part ll

So far...this place rocks my world.
 I hope this is forever.
Haa haaa, you got a bath
Get outta my spot
Get away from my bowl.
Get outta my kitchen.
Stop grunting like a piggy.
I had a few very big days.
I am pooped.
And I am settling in just fine.
The Monster can't help liking me.
Whats not to like?
When I do this, its a green light for the Monster to jump on me to play.
Most importantly, this is only one of three toy boxes
even though I am not allowed to touch anything YET.
I'm going to like this place.
Thank you Rescue, thank you Foster Family you gave me lots of love and prepared me 
for all the love in my forever home.

Julius "Edward"

me and Monster sissy played two times too

  ^  ^    
and a big thank you to 
for our header


  1. OH we laughed about Lily being in the drivers seat. I remembers those days when my MOM thought we needed more pugs in MY home, it was hard for me to share, MY mom's lap or my toys, or anything that was mine. I thinks tho in time Lily will fall in love wif you before hers even knows it.
    Stella Rose

  2. looks like all is going well. love the updated header :)

  3. Lily we see you have helped sweet JE settle in just fine. Play bows to you. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. This just warms my heart and brings tears to my eyes! So happy for all of you and so glad the transition is going smoothly thus far!

  5. Ohhhhhh Edward, I'm so so SO happy for you!!! Lily may be a little wary right now, but I know she'll love you soon. Congrrats on your furever home, and welcome to Blogville!

  6. We love this ... The two of you together is pawsome!!!!!

    Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

  7. Julius Edward, you hit the house of love jackpot! Your going to love playing with Lily.

  8. I am GRINNING from ear to ear. Lily! You lucky girl you get to set the TONE for this boy! Welcome Julius Edward, you have no idea what a lottery you won! You lucky lucky boy. Soon you will be fully integrated into the family and will not even remember the BRT. Before Rescue Time!!! Rescue Rocks and your family is wonderful. This from three white fluffy rescues who rule their household.

  9. You are one lucky puppy, you are going to be loved and pampered more than you ever thought possible.
    Enjoy and have fun with you new lovely family.
    Big hug

  10. OHSOHAPPY for you! Lily, your new friend looks like he will be SO much fun to play with! Julius, you will have SUCH a wonderful time with your new family. So very happy... happy that - and I didn't tell you this, mind you! - my momma's eyes may have leaked out some excess happy. Espically when she went back to your previous post and read about the proof of Angel-Benny's approval...

  11. The family is coming together! Love that yawn pic!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. Your brindle coat is absolutely beautiful...and I'm so happy that you're on the blog header already!

  13. You are a sweet boy, Edward. We love you.

  14. Oh Lily is so funny when she is bossy! :) You'll have your own box of toys in no time. How big are you compared to Lily?

  15. Miss Bossy Tutu is showing him the rules of HER house but I think she will adore him in no time. now Julius Edward is quite the mouthful - so what is his nick name - something short. Our grandpa was called Edward and they called him Ted or Teddy for short. Not sure how they got Ted from Edward....but they do. Teddy and Lily sounds pretty good together????

  16. I'm glad you like your place! And I think Lily will like you too. You are the co-pilot in her car, that's a sign of friendship I think.

  17. yay looks like things are great for you!!!!

  18. Lily will lighten up - you'll see. Just let her be in charge and she'll be fine. Girls are like that -- trust me, I know!
    Play bows,
    PS: LOVE your new header!

  19. Big smiles! Glad they played together already!

  20. Just remember that "girls rule" Edward and you will be just fine!!
    Dory, Jakey, Bilbo & Arty

  21. Yea!! things are going well. You and Lily will be the best of buddies soon!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  22. Oh, Julius Edward - you have no idea what an amazing family you joined. Don't worry - Sissy will love you eventually, but she'll always tease you by saying silly stuff! That's what sisters do!

  23. Lily, I see you've let JE know who is the Queen Bee there in your house! BOL
    Don't worry JE, I'm sure that Lily will let you play with her toys soon...she's a sweet gurl, and she just has to warm up to you! I mean who could resist THAT face?!
    Ruby ♥

  24. this is great new Lily there is going to be so much fun now,and the new header is just perfect,yay for JE!xx Speedy

  25. HEY EDWARD.... buddy you are fittin in JUST RIGHT... Just WATCH that Lily... she used to bet BOSSY with our buddy Benny and she would call him BENSON... She might call you Jedward...
    HEY buddy... wait until you see all the WIMMEN of Blogville... They will be FLOCKING IN like a bunch of Magpies.. Wanting to dance and go places and do thingys... it is Quite exhausting fur the Single Guys of Blogville.
    We are all SO happy that you have joined us.

  26. PEE S..... fur EDWARD's EYES ONLY..... Buddy you GOTTA get Lily over on the Passenger side... YOU need to be the DRIVER... Just don't tell Lily that WE told you to do it. OKAY????

  27. Don't worry Jay EEE, Lily is just layin' down the ground rules. She'll be putty in your paw in no time! Hope you like to dress up in hats, boy.

    XXXOOO Bella & Roxy

  28. Hello Lily and Edward! Love the new header shot and we are very happy to see that you are making progress in the pals department.

  29. You two are so cute together - black and white - umm blackspot and whitespot BoL.

  30. We absolutely adore your new header photo! Be patient Julius Edward. Lily will come to love you.

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  31. Welcome, Eddie!! You're gonna love it here!!


  32. Julius Edward you has won da furever home jackpot new furiend! So happy fur you!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  33. Oh and I agree with Maggie Mae and DID "hit the furever home jackpot!!"

  34. What a cutie pie!! He looks like such a sweetie and I hope that he and Lily get along perfectly. :)

  35. Awww... Edward, you are going to LOVE your new forever home. Monster will come around. I hear she likes cheese.
    ; )

  36. Of khourse, woo must be sure to remember:

    BOYZ (and khats) DROOL!


  37. Looks like you're settling in. And even getting to play with Lily.

  38. Aww he is just adorable. Looks like he fits right in.
    Sue B

  39. Benny looks pretty happy in that new and lovely header:) And Edward, no worries about the Monster - she really is a sweetheart in Monster disguise.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  40. Wow, I see so many years of fun and love and happiness for this whole pack! Yipeeeee for you and I can't wait to follow your adventures. Great yawn pix. BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Furiend

  41. Lily I know you will come to love Julius and share everything soon. Please be patient as he has lost his family and you are all he has now. Love Dolly

  42. How wonderful for all of you - congratulations!!!

  43. Yay a new family member. Hey Julius, you know how girls can be so hang in there pal and welcome to Blogville.

    Aroo to you,

  44. Congrats on landing a wonderfur new home!! And welcome to Blogville! You sure are a cutiepie!

  45. Julius Edward,, are you cute or what? Look at those big eyes,, !!
    Your just kissable, and Lily will be loving you sooo soon,
    We are so happy for all of you!

  46. Hey Newbie, respect Lily's rules or she'll crush you like how must sisters do. Trust me, it's a whole lot scary when they have cooties!

    Welcome! Welcome! and Welcome!

  47. Julius Edward you are absolutely adorable (but let's keep that between the two of us for now!).....I think you're just in the BESTEST possible forever home. Lily is going to be a super big sissy and your new Mom is helping you adjust to a new life there just FINE. I may be a lowly feline (ha) but I AM sending you some special Sammy lucky dog you!!

    Hugs, Sammy
    P.S. a special Sammy Hug to you too Lily for being so pawsome with your new brother!

  48. We are sure you will be able to play with those toys in a couple of years.......
    Dip and Elliot x

  49. Hi Y'all!

    Sounds like y'all will be best buds soon...

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  50. Arooooooroooooo there Julius Edward!! We can't believe we missed your first post but we've caught up and are thrilled to hear that you have moved in with Miss Lily!! You are going to LOVE IT there!!
    Big licks,
    Wallace & Samuel

  51. Oh Lily I am so happy that "Benson" was the primer for knowing that Julius is the 'one' and that your mommy knows that Benny would approve; it's all good and it will get better when you find yourself snuggling with Julius.
    We are so glad that you have a pal again and what's better than having a new pal and a ♥Benny Angel♥ to watch over you?
    We can't wait to hear about all of your new adventures!
    CK and Jozi

  52. Oh Lily I am so happy that "Benson" was the primer for knowing that Julius is the 'one' and that your mommy knows that Benny would approve; it's all good and it will get better when you find yourself snuggling with Julius.
    We are so glad that you have a pal again and what's better than having a new pal and a ♥Benny Angel♥ to watch over you?
    We can't wait to hear about all of your new adventures!
    CK and Jozi

  53. J.E.-
    It looks like things are going swimmingly!
    Toys, Beds AND a Sister!! Woo Hoo!


  54. So wonderful to see and hear sweet Edward and Lily ...this is surely one great story for the start of the year :) hugs to you all and big lovies Fozziemum and gang xxx

  55. Yeah, lily has a new friend (I hope)!

  56. Aww, Edward! So nice to meet you! We look forward to hearing of all your great new adventures!
    Your pals,
    Diane and Rocco

  57. Welcome, Edward! I'm so happy you've come to keep Lily company!


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