Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Beach

Good Morning
We already went to the beach. The waves were suppose to be big but they were only big yesterday not today. We had fun in the sand and enjoyed our walk. Lily loves digging in the sand. I wonder what she looks for. Mom said I hope she finds gold. I don't know what we could do with gold. I am pretty sure Petco only takes cash and plastic cards.
Have a wonderful rest of the weekend
Benny & Lily


  1. Oh you lucky dogs! I would love to visit the beach sometime, I bet the sand feels amazing under your paws, but mom says living in the middle of the country as we do, it's not gonna happen.


  2. Hi Lily and Benson. Thanks for stopping by my blog.. its very nice to meet you! Benson - you are not missing much in Pittsburgh except a bunch of bad weather. I am sure the beach is much better.
    your pal, Morgan

  3. Great Pictures!! Nothing like spending Sunday at the beach!!


  4. The beach looks really nice. It looks like you had a good time.

  5. Lily, your pink leash is so cute :)

  6. I've never been to the beach, but it looks nice! I bet your mommy knows of some place to trade the gold Lily finds for cash or plastic!! Mommies are smart like that =)

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